jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2022

Traditional Food

Have you ever wondered what traditional food is like in other countries? Well, today I have come to tell you about 3 of the best traditional dishes in my country, Ecuador.

1.- Roasted cuy


Roasted guinea pig is a typical dish with a long tradition in the Azuaya capital. It is a Kichwa term that means rodent mammal and this animal is native to the Andes mountain range. In Ecuador, the highest consumption of guinea pig is in Cuenca.

2.- The Llapingachos

The llapingachos are a typical dish originating from the central Andean region of Ecuador. They are also consumed in southern Colombia. This dish is an important part of the culture of Ecuador, and is one of the most representative of mountain food.

3.- Mote Pillo

Mote pillo or motepillo is a traditional food of Ecuadorian cuisine made with mote, which is cooked ripe corn, and egg. It is a typical dish from the provinces of Azuay and Cañar.


The traditional food of my country is a treasure. It is wonderful to know that these foods are typical of Ecuador and they are quite good, so I highly recommend them, I know there are more, but this time I present these 3 until next time.

Traditional Food

Have you ever wondered what traditional food is like in other countries? Well, today I have come to tell you about 3 of the best traditional...